We offer friendship, conversation, and support to older people aged 55 and over. Whatever the day or time, you can pick up the phone and speak to one of our friendly Silver Line team members.
Whether you’d like to exchange a quick “good morning” with someone, fancy a chat about how your day has gone, or need a trusted listening ear to share your thoughts and feelings with, we’re here to talk.
Our team is also here for you if you have any worries or questions. Depending on what kind of support you need, we can direct you to certain services, groups or resources that may help.
And remember, we're here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even if you're in touch with family and friends, it may not be possible to reach out to them when it’s very late at night or very early in the morning. But The Silver Line Helpline is here to talk.
Learn about the people who speak to us on The Silver Line, how we help our callers, and what you can expect from the service.
Maintaining the privacy, wellbeing and safety of our callers is of the utmost importance to us. Discover how we remain accountable to you.
Since we took our first call in 2013, we’ve had the privilege of speaking to and supporting millions of older people. Find out how it all began.
A lot of callers have told me that The Silver Line is like extended family and that’s fantastic to hear. It’s a two-way thing though, for those who enjoy answering calls and for those who love calling - it’s a win-win!
We couldn’t support the people who need us without our amazing team of staff, volunteers, and senior leadership.
Become a part of The Silver Line story and support older people by offering them friendship, conversation and connection.
As a charity, we rely on donations to keep our lines open. Please help us connect with and support older people across the UK.
Age UK’s Silver Line Helpline is the UK's only free, confidential, 24-hour helpline providing friendship for older people.